Women's and Gender Studies (WGST) 400

Feminism in the Western Tradition 1790s-1940s (Revision 2)

WGST 400

Permanently closed, effective October 28, 2014.

View previous version

Delivery Mode: Individualized study online

Credits: 3

Area of Study: Humanities

Prerequisite: None. WGST 266 is strongly recommended.

Precluded Course: WGST 400 is a cross-listed course—a course available in two disciplines—with HIST 401. (WGST 400 may not be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained for HIST 401 or WMST 400.)

Faculty: Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences

Women's & Gender Studies home page

WGST 400 has a Challenge for Credit option.


This course introduces you to selected issues in feminist thought in the Western tradition from the 1790s to the 1940s. The readings and commentaries provide some background, discuss related debates among feminist scholars, and suggest areas you may wish to explore.


  • Unit 1: Feminism: Every Woman's Heritage?
  • Unit 2: The Regulation of Sexuality
  • Unit 3: The Struggle for Full Citizenship
  • Unit 4: Bread and Roses
  • Unit 5: Man-made Religion
  • Unit 6: Women and (Men's?) Wars


To receive credit for WGST 400, you must complete four assignments and obtain a grade of "D" (50 per cent) or better on the entire course. The weighting of the composite grade is as follows:

Assign. 1:
Five Short Essays
Assign. 2:
Comparative Book Review
Assign. 3:
Research Paper Proposal
Assign. 4
Research Paper
15% 35% 10% 40% 100%

To learn more about assignments and examinations, please refer to Athabasca University's online Calendar.

Course Materials

The course materials include a reading file. All other materials are available online.

Challenge for Credit Course Overview

The Challenge for Credit process allows students to demonstrate that they have acquired a command of the general subject matter, knowledge, intellectual and/or other skills that would normally be found in a university level course.

Full information for the Challenge for Credit can be found in the Undergraduate Calendar.

Challenge Evaluation

To receive credit for the WGST 400 challenge registration, you must achieve a grade of at least 80 per cent on the major research paper and 80 per cent on the written examination. Credit will be awarded as either a pass or fail.

Undergraduate Challenge for Credit Course Registration Form

Athabasca University reserves the right to amend course outlines occasionally and without notice. Courses offered by other delivery methods may vary from their individualized-study counterparts.

Opened in Revision 2, June 6, 2011

View previous syllabus