What is the relationship between politics and economics? How has the relationship changed over time? How are economic production and distribution shaped by political struggles? These are some of the fundamental questions of the field of political economy that are introduced to students as they encounter various approaches to political economy.
The course surveys key concepts in political economy such as commodification, surplus value, and market equilibrium. Most importantly, the course acquaints students with more contemporary approaches, such as intersectional feminism, anti-racism, and environmental political economy.
Theories and Approaches to Political Economy encourages students to cultivate a greater appreciation for the relationship between politics and economics, and how the integration of the two has produced the distinctive tradition of political economy. It explains the interdependence of political and ideological issues of power and the allocation of resources with economic problems such as housing, healthcare, and development. POEC 302 should appeal to all students who want a basic course on the fundamental questions concerning the relationship between politics and economics.
POEC 302 consists of seven units:
Unit 1: What Is Political Economy?
Unit 2: Keynes and Neoliberalism
Unit 3: Intersectional Analysis: Race, Gender, and the Environment
Unit 4: Migration, Race, Gender, and the Role of Theory
Unit 5: Political Economy of Housing in Canada
Unit 6: The Green New Deal: Keynesianism, Intersectionality, and Global Capitalism
Unit 7: Sustainable Development, Degrowth, Buen Vivir
Learning outcomes
POEC 302 has six major learning outcomes. After completing this course, students will be able to:
- Compare and contrast various theories of political economy, and explain the debates between them.
- Articulate and deploy key concepts within political economy to develop an analysis of contemporary issues.
- Research different approaches to political economy and effectively differentiate between them.
- Analyze and explain the connections between economics, race, gender, policy, and social movements.
- Identify key issues and concerns pertaining to the future of capitalism.
- Improve your analytical skills, critical thinking, and writing abilities.
To receive credit for POEC 302, students must complete and submit all of the assignments. Students must achieve a minimum grade of D (50 percent) on the Final Research Project (Assignment 3, Part B), and an overall grade of at least D (50 percent) for the course.
Students will be evaluated on their understanding of the concepts presented in the course and on their ability to apply those concepts. The final grade in the course will be based on the marks achieved for the following activities.
Activity | Weight |
Assignment 1: Comparative Essay | 20% |
Assignment 2: Healthcare Essay | 30% |
Assignment 3, Part A: Research Proposal | 20% |
Assignment 3, Part B: Final Research Project | 30% |
Total | 100% |
To learn more about assignments and examinations, please refer to Athabasca University’s online Calendar.
This course either does not have a course package or the textbooks are open-source material and available to students at no cost. This course has a Course Administration and Technology Fee, but students are not charged the Course Materials Fee.
All course materials are provided online.
Challenge for credit
The challenge for credit process allows you to demonstrate that you have acquired a command of the general subject matter, knowledge, intellectual and/or other skills that would normally be found in a university-level course.
Full information about challenge for credit can be found in the Undergraduate Calendar.
To receive credit for the POEC 302 challenge registration, you must achieve a grade of at least C− (60 percent) on the Challenge Exam.
Challenge for credit course registration form