This course will teach you the fundamentals of modern marketing. Specifically, you will learn how to apply marketing concepts and theory to everyday marketing problems. Throughout the course, alternative, perhaps even contradictory views may be presented for you to consider. While the general principles of marketing are well established, there are differences in the nuances and interpretation of the observed data. You should consider all views and decide which are most applicable to your circumstances.
The course is divided into eight lessons.
- Lesson 1 – Understanding Marketing Management
- Lesson 2 – The External Environment
- Lesson 3 – Segmentation, Targeting, and Differentiation
- Lesson 4 – Positioning and Branding
- Lesson 5 – Product and Service
- Lesson 6 – Channels of Distribution
- Lesson 7 – Pricing, Communications, and Advertising
- Lesson 8 – Ethics and Global Marketing
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
· learn important definitions and concepts used in the marketing planning process.
· evaluate the macro environment and buyer behaviour.
· understand market segmentation, targeting, and position strategies.
· learn the four “Ps” of marketing: product, pricing, promotion, and place (distribution).
· write a coherent marketing plan.
Your grade will be based on the successful completion of two assignments, weekly postings, and your participation in moderated group discussions.
Activity | Weight |
Participation in Discussions (Initial posts– 10%; Discussion posts–15%; Weekly Learning posts–5%) | 30% |
Site Selection (by email, required prior to starting Assignment 1) | 0% |
Assignment 1– Interim Report | 30% |
Assignment 2– Marketing Plan | 40% |
Total | 100% |
To receive a passing grade in this course, you must meet these minimum standards:
· receive a minimum of 60% on the participation component; and
· receive an average grade of 60 % over all course components.
Component marks for this course are translated into letter grades as per the Graduate Grading Policy .
Digital course materials
Links to the following course materials will be made available in the course:
Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2016). A framework for marketing management (6th ed.). Pearson Education, Inc.
Wood, M. (2014). Marketing plan handbook (5th ed.). Prentice Hall.
A Framework for Marketing Management by P. Kotler and K.L. Keller will provide students with a sound understanding of the key concepts and issues involved in marketing. The other textbook, Marketing Plan Handbook by M. Wood is a step-by-step guide on how to develop a marketing plan. Further required readings, videos, and podcasts from a variety of sources are provided via the Digital Reading Room.
Other Materials
All other course materials will be accessed online.