MGSC 499 is an independent study course. Students are encouraged to pursue a topic of interest related to any management science course material in greater depth with a preference for analysis of applied problems.
Steps You Need to Take
Your first step is to create an initial proposal of approximately two pages. Send the proposal to the Student Support Centre and it will be referred to the course coordinator. Admission to this course requires both the agreement of the appropriate faculty member and the course coordinator.
Once the course coordinator is satisfied that your basic proposal has merit and the adequate faculty resources are available to support your study, you will be registered in the course and matched with an appropriate faculty member. Some of the reasons for rejecting include:
- no one is available to supervise your study.
- your proposal is not deemed to be equivalent to a 400 level study.
- your proposal is seen to be inadequate in terms of scope, depth,or focus.
- your assignment structure does not seek to test knowledge and skills.
If you are rejected, you may appeal this decision to the Dean, Faculty of Business.
Students in MGSC 499 must submit a study proposal, work plan, draft report, and final report, which will be developed by the student with guidance from the course coordinator.
MGSC 499 allows senior undergraduate students the opportunity for independent study of a topic of interest developed in conjunction with the course coordinator.
Credits earned in MGSC 499 may be applied toward the Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS) diploma.
To receive credit for MGSC 499, you must successfully complete the study proposal, workplan, and required reports.
To learn more about assignments and examinations, please refer to Athabasca University’s online Calendar.
This course either does not have a course package or the textbooks are open-source material and available to students at no cost. This course has a Course Administration and Technology Fee, but students are not charged the Course Materials Fee.
Digital course materials
Links to the following course materials will be made available in the course: