This three-credit course focuses on the integration of the competencies acquired in MDDE 602, MDDE 700, and either MDDE 701 or MDDE 702 with the generation of a thesis research proposal. The four components of this course include framing the research question from the topic of interest, a comprehensive review of the literature that focuses on the individual student's topic of interest, an in-depth analysis of a completed research proposal and of a completed M.Ed. thesis (both by graduated M.Ed. thesis students), and the generation of a research proposal. All activities and assignments are designed to build community among research students.
Students that successfully complete MDDE 703, but opt out of the thesis route, will be granted three elective credits towards the course-based route.
MDDE 703 consists of four modules that focus on the following topics:
- Module 1 - Research interest discussion
- Module 2 - Research framework
- Module 3 - Analysis of thesis research proposals
- Module 4 - Research proposals
Learning outcomes
The goals of MDDE 703 are to provide those M.Ed. program students who have decided to pursue the thesis program route with the following:
- Identify the research question
- A comprehensive review of the literature related to the student’s chosen thesis topic
- An analysis of examples of completed master's level theses research proposals in distance education
- Production of research proposal
Three (3) assignments are to be completed and submitted. They comprise a substantive part of the course activities and are described in detail in the Assignment Manual. All assignments are graded as pass/fail and the final course grade is also pass/fail. A brief description of each assignment is given below:
Activity | Weight |
Assignment #1 - Conventional and on-line literature search. Students will carry out a comprehensive search of the existing literature, both conventional (paper-based) and on-line. | Pass/Fail |
Assignment #2 - Analysis and evaluation of a sample thesis and proposal. Students will select examples of completed master's level theses and research proposals, and critically analyze and evaluate their selections. | Pass/Fail |
Assignment #3 - Research proposal production. Students will produce a comprehensive research proposal draft and present a practice presentation in preparation for proposal defense. | Pass/Fail |
Note: Changes to assignments may be made from time to time by individual instructors.
Digital course materials
Links to the following course materials will be made available in the course:
Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (5th ed.). Sage Publications.
Other Resources
Online Study Guide