Master of Arts Interdisciplinary Studies (MAIS) 650
Canadian and International Labour Education (Revision 2)

Revision 2 is closed for registrations, see current revision
View previous syllabus
Delivery Mode: Individualized study
Credits: 3
Precluded Course: MAIS 650 cannot be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained for Athabasca University's IDRL 496 or EDUC 496.
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
MAIS 650: Canadian and International Labour Education. This course examines labour education in historical, global, and comparative perspectives and addresses the challenges labour education is facing today.
Course Objectives
After completing this course, you should be able to
- define labour education
- discuss the economic and social context of labour education
- delineate the historical development of labour education in Canada
- describe the current state of unions and labour education in different parts of the world
- discuss the challenges unions and labour education are facing today
Student Evaluation
To receive credit for this course, students must participate in the online activities, successfully complete the assignments, and achieve a final mark of at least 60 per cent. Students should be familiar with the Master of Arts—Interdisciplinary Studies grading system. Please note that it is students' responsibility to maintain their program status. Any student who receives a grade of "F" in one course, or a grade of "C" in more than one course, may be required to withdraw from the program.
The following table summarizes the evaluation activities and the credit weights associated with them.
Course Activity | Weighting |
Assignment 1 | 25% |
Assignment 2 | 25% |
Assignment 3 | 25% |
Assignment 4 | 25% |
Total | 100% |
Course Materials
The package you received should contain each of the items listed below.
- Bruce Spencer (Ed.). 2002. Unions and Learning in a Global Economy: International and Comparative Perspectives. Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing.
- Jeffery Taylor. 2001. Union Learning: Canadian Labour Education in the Twentieth Century. Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing.
Athabasca University Online Materials
Course Home Page You will find Course Information (including the Assignment File and other pertinent information) at the top of the course home page. You will also find your Study Guide presented unit by unit online. You will find your assignments and links to submit your work to your professor on the course home page.
Athabasca University Library: Students are encouraged to browse the Library's Web site to review the Library collection of journal databases, electronic journals, and digital reference tools:
Athabasca University reserves the right to amend course outlines occasionally and without notice. Courses offered by other delivery methods may vary from their individualized-study counterparts.
Opened in Revision 2, January 6, 2014.