In today’s business environment, managing the supply chain is an essential part of a company’s corporate competitive strategy. Supply chain management (SCM) can both reduce costs and increase value, in large part by moving logistics outside of the company. This process requires partnering with compatible companies to develop a network of suppliers and customers, and managing these relationships effectively. The focus of this course is to understand and apply supply chain management in the context of providing a competitive advantage to your company.
After completing this course, learners will be able to:
- Identify the purposes of SCM, and explain how it can foster competitive advantage.
- Recognize a supply chain, understand its management, outline methods and approaches, and relate SCM to logistics.
- Create a comprehensive supply chain map for an organization.
- Link SCM to company profits and strategic financial models.
- Identify the potential risks and rewards of implementing SCM in an organization.
- Create a supply chain-oriented balanced scorecard for their organization.
- Develop a plan for implementing SCM and creating supply chain partnerships within their own organization.
Students will be evaluated based on their participation in weekly online discussions (50%) and one comprehensive assignment (50%). To pass the course, students must achieve 60% or more on each credit activity.