INST 357 explores selected contemporary social, economic, and political issues surrounding the Aboriginal peoples of Canada. The course examines five main themes: 1) historical background related to the traditional Aboriginal, social, economic, and political institutions; 2) Canadian federal government “Indian Policy of Assimilation” based on the BNA and the Indian Act; 3) self-government as perceived by Aboriginal peoples; 4) fiscal arrangement and the delivery of programs and services in indigenous communities; and 5) the implementation of the federal and provincial governments' policy of economic development in Aboriginal communities.
To receive credit for INST 357, you must complete successfully the following assignments. The weighting of the composite course grade is as follows:
Activity | Weight |
Quiz | 10% |
Midterm Exam | 25% |
Term Paper | 40% |
Final Exam | 25% |
Total | 100% |
To learn more about assignments and examinations, please refer to Athabasca University’s online Calendar.
Physical course materials
The following course materials are included in a course package that will be shipped to your home prior to your course’s start date:
Adams, H. 1975. Prison of Grass. Toronto: General Publishing.
Bartlett, Richard. 1988. The Indian Act of Canada. Saskatoon: Native Law Centre, University of Saskatchewan.
Bear, L. L., M. Boldt, and J. A. Long, eds. 1984. Pathways to Self-Determination: Canadian Indians and the Canadian State. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Hawkes, D. C., ed. 1989. Aboriginal Peoples and Government Responsibility: Exploring Federal and Provincial Roles. Ottawa: Carleton University Press.
Other materials
Students are encouraged to view Legacy, Land, Power, and the First Nations and War Against the Indians.
Grouped study
Sorry INST357 is not offered by Grouped Study at present.