Global Studies (GLST) 650
Sustainability in an Age of Global Change (Revision 2)

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Delivery Mode: Individualized-Study
Credits: 3
Prerequisite: Successful completion of MAIS 601 and MAIS 602, and permission of theInstructor. Contact MAIS Office for registration information
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
While the topic ofsustainability has been around for some time, I am inviting you to partner withme and other students in advancing the development of the emergent edges of thefield, and to do so in a multi-disciplinary and ‘integrated’ manner.
The course will introducefoundational approaches to the theory and practice of sustainability as well asnew critical approaches to the question in the 21st Century. There is noone response to the challenging goal of transition to sustainability.Your own experience, reading, thinking, andwriting will be crucial to advancing our collective grasp of sustainability asidea, transformative practice and way of life.
This is a guided reading course. At the outset, I aminterested in knowing your interest and experience in the field and any topicsthat you would like to research. We will read some key texts together and collaborateto develop novel pathways through the field.
Course Materials
Assadourian, Erik and Tom Prugh. (2013). State of the World 2013: Is SustainabilityStill Possible? Worldwatch Institute. Washington: Island Press.
Blewitt, John. (2015). Understanding Sustainable Development. 2nd Edition. New York:Earthscan from Routledge.
Grober, Ulrich. (2012). Sustainability: A Cultural History. Totnes, Devon: Green Books.
Klein, Naomi. (2014). This ChangesEverything. Capitalism vs the Climate. Knopf Canada.
Kolbert, Elizabeth. (2014). The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History. New York: Henry Holtand Company.
Ebooks available from AU Ebrary
Bollier, David. (2014). Think Like A Commoner: A Short Introduction to the Life of the Commons.Gabriola Island: New Society Press.
Johnson, Josee, Mike Gismondi and James Goodman.Eds. (2006) Nature’s Revenge: ReclaimingSustainability in an Age of Corporate Globalization. Broadview and GaramondPress 2006.
Loftus, Alex. (2012). Everyday Environmentalism: Creating an Urban Political Ecology.Minneapolis: University of Minnesota.
Athabasca University reserves the right to amend course outlines occasionally and without notice. Courses offered by other delivery methods may vary from their individualized-study counterparts.
Opened in Revision 2, August 26, 2015.
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