Graduate Counselling and Applied Psychology (GCAP) 631
Models of Counselling and Client Change (Revision 1)

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Delivery Mode: Paced study; online
Credits: 3
Area of Study: Graduate Studies
Prerequisite: None
This course is not open to non-program students.
Faculty: Faculty of Health Disciplines
GCAP 631: Models of Counselling and Client Change invites students to consider, question, and critically examine the role of counselling theories and models in light of a) research regarding what contributes to successful counselling outcomes and b) lenses of critique that include feminism, post-modernism, and multiculturalism.
The course is designed to provide students with both a survey of contemporary counselling models and a broad-based framework for pragmatic scrutiny of these models. Emphasis is placed on the latter by introducing students to bodies of research and methods of critical reflection that decentralize and contextualize the role of theories and models within the practice of counselling.
- Lesson 1: An Introduction to Theories and Models of Counselling
- Lesson 2: Postmodernism and Counselling Theory
- Lesson 3: The Person of the Counsellor (with Adlerian Therapy)
- Lesson 4: Multicultural and Feminist Critiques of Counselling Theory
- Lesson 5: Evidence-Based Practice in Counselling (with Psychoanalytic Therapies / Psychodynamic Therapies)
- Lesson 5: Psychotherapy Outcome Research
- Lesson 7: Empirically Supported Treatments (with Cognitive Therapies)
- Lesson 8: Common Factors of Change
- Lesson 9: The Client as a Common Factor (with Solution-Focused and Narrative Therapy)
- Lesson: 10: The Counselling Model as a Common Factor
- Lesson 11: Therapeutic Relationship as a Common Factor (with Rogerian Therapy)
- Lesson 12: Hope, Placebo, and Expectation as a Common Factor (with Gestalt Therapy)
- Lesson 13: Psychotherapy Integration
Course Evaluation
Coming soon...
To receive credit for GCAP 631, students must submit all of the course assignments. The passing grade for the course is B- (70%). The weighting of assignments is as follows.
Course Activity | Weight |
Participation in Online Discussions | 25% |
Assignment 1: Person of the Counsellor Reflective Paper | 15% |
Assignment 2a: Comparative Case Analysis | 25% |
Assignment 2b: PowerPoint on Comparative Case Analysis (Not eligible for the Mastery Learning Process) | 5% |
Assignment 3: Theory Description and Deconstruction | 30% |
Total | 100% |
Other Information
Students with a disability, who require academic accommodation, need to register with the Access to Students with Disabilities Centre at Athabasca University. Notification of the need for academic accommodation must normally be provided to the program office no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the first day of class. It is the student's responsibility to register with the Disability Centre to request academic accommodation if required and to notify the instructor that such accommodation has been requested. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate individual student needs. However, because GCAP courses are paced, all student are required to participate weekly in the online discussion forums. There are also several courses where online exams are required.
Athabasca University reserves the right to amend course outlines occasionally and without notice.
Opened in Revision 1, January 2008.