French (FREN) 362
Delivery mode:
Individualized study online. Delivered via Brightspace.
Areas of study:
Arts or Humanities
FREN 201 or equivalent.
Course start date:
If you are a:
- Self-funded student: register by the 10th of the month, start on the 1st of the next.
- Funded student: please check the next enrolment deadline and course start date.
FREN 361 (FREN 362 cannot be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained for FREN 361).
FREN 362 has a challenge for credit option.
FREN 362 Second-Year University French is designed to follow FREN 201. FREN 362 is a six-credit (equivalent to two semesters in other institutions) undergraduate-level French course. This course offers an extensive study of French grammar and vocabulary expansion through the study of cultural, visual, audio, and textual productions. Students will improve both their written and spoken French through conversation, comprehension, grammar, and composition. The Learning Outcomes are consistent with those of other 300-level, six-credit advanced grammar courses and can be used to meet the requirements of a variety of university programs. In achieving the outcomes, students will practice and perfect their advanced skills in reading, understanding, speaking, and writing French by studying grammatical structures in detail, reading a variety of cultural texts, learning new vocabulary and some basic literary analysis tools, watching short films, and completing oral and written exercises. The course topics include diverse contemporary issues such as social justice, climate change, education, Indigenous cultures in Canada, Francophone cultures in the world, and new technologies. By exploring the current issues and topics that are shaping Canada, the Francophonie, and our globalized world through a linguistic lens, this course aims to give students valuable oral and written skills, as well as increased cultural awareness.
FREN 362 est un cours de six crédits (équivalent à deux semestres dans d’autres institutions) de premier cycle universitaire (300-level), qui est élaboré pour succéder logiquement au cours FREN 201. Dans ce cours de langue de niveau avancé, les étudiant.e.s sont amené.e.s à exercer et perfectionner leurs compétences en lecture, en compréhension, en expression orale et en écriture. Les objectifs visés sont représentatifs de ce type de cours de langue de niveau avancé et peuvent être appliqués aisément à divers programmes d’études universitaires, puisqu’il permet l’étude attentive de structures grammaticales, la lecture de productions culturelles diversifiées, l’apprentissage d’un vocabulaire précis et varié, la découverte d’outils d’analyse littéraire de base, le visionnement de courtes vidéos et la réalisation de devoirs écrits et oraux. Chaque module explore un thème ou grand enjeu différent : la justice sociale, les changements climatiques, l’éducation, les vies autochtones au Canada, la francophonie dans le monde et les nouvelles technologies. Les choix de thèmes correspondent à des enjeux actuels et historiques importants, qui permettent à la fois de sensibiliser les étudiant.e.s à des événements et à des sujets clés de la société contemporaine mondialisée et de mieux connaître et comprendre les cultures qui façonnent, animent et caractérisent le Canada et la francophonie.
Pré-module : Capsule méthodologique
Module 1 La justice sociale
- Leçon 1 Présent de l’indicatif et pronoms personnels
- Leçon 2 Littérature
- Leçon 3 Impératif et noms
- Leçon 4 Rédaction
Module 2 Les changements climatiques
- Leçon 1 Adjectifs
- Leçon 2 Compréhension orale
- Leçon 3 Imparfait et passé composé
- Leçon 4 Rédaction
Module 3 L’éducation
- Leçon 1 Participes passés et prépositions
- Leçon 2 Littérature
- Leçon 3 Plus-que-parfait
- Leçon 4 Rédaction
Examens oral et écrit mi-semestriels
Module 4 Vies autochtones au Canada
- Leçon 1 Verbes pronominaux
- Leçon 2 Compréhension orale
- Leçon 3 Négation et conjonctions
- Leçon 4 Rédaction
Module 5 La francophonie dans le monde
- Leçon 1 Subjonctif présent
- Leçon 2 Littérature
- Leçon 3 Subjonctif passé
- Leçon 4 Rédaction
Module 6 Les nouvelles technologies
- Leçon 1 Conditionnel présent et passé
- Leçon 2 Compréhension orale
- Leçon 3 Interrogation
- Leçon 4 Rédaction
Examens oral et écrit finaux
Learning outcomes
- Understand advanced grammatical structures and use them to construct both simple and complex sentences, and to create grammatically correct short compositions.
- Read literary and non-literary texts, watch films, or listen to audio clips and discuss (orally and in writing) the ideas contained in these texts, films, or audio clips.
- Command sufficient vocabulary to discuss (orally and in writing) a variety of topics related to current events, daily life, and francophone literature and culture.
- Write clearly and cogently in a variety of modes and tenses on various topics.
- Distinguish between the various literary genres (novel, poetry, etc.) and other types of writing (informative, argumentative, etc.).
To receive credit for FREN 362, students must complete all the oral exercises, all the written assignments, all (midterm and final) oral and online examinations. Students must achieve a minimum grade of 50 per cent on the midterm and final online examinations, and students must achieve a minimum composite course grade of 50 per cent in order to pass the course.
Activity | Weight |
6 Tutor-marked Written Exercises | 12% |
6 Tutor-marked Oral Exercises | 12% |
4 Essays | 16% |
Midterm Oral Exam | 5% |
Midterm Online Exam | 20% |
Final Oral Exam | 10% |
Final Online Exam | 25% |
Total | 100% |
The midterm and final examinations for this course must be requested in advance and written under the supervision of an AU-approved exam invigilator. Invigilators include either ProctorU or an approved in-person invigilation centre that can accommodate online exams. Students are responsible for payment of any invigilation fees. Information on exam request deadlines, invigilators, and other exam-related questions, can be found at the Exams and grades section of the Calendar.
To learn more about assignments and examinations, please refer to Athabasca University’s online Calendar.
This course either does not have a course package or the textbooks are open-source material and available to students at no cost. This course has a Course Administration and Technology Fee, but students are not charged the Course Materials Fee.
There is no textbook for this course. All materials required for the course, including the Course Information, the Study Guide, readings, and videos, are available online through the course website.
Other Materials
Students should purchase or have access to a good French dictionary and a Bescherelle.
Challenge for credit
The challenge for credit process allows you to demonstrate that you have acquired a command of the general subject matter, knowledge, intellectual and/or other skills that would normally be found in a university-level course.
Full information about challenge for credit can be found in the Undergraduate Calendar.
To receive creditfor the FREN 362 challenge registration, you must achieve a grade of at least D (50 percent)on the online examination and at least D (50 percent) on the oral examination (telephone or online). You must write an essay (to be submitted as a word document).
Activity | Weight |
Oral Examination | 30% |
Essay | 10% |
Online Exam | 60% |
Total | 100% |
Important links
Athabasca University reserves the right to amend course outlines occasionally and without notice. Courses offered by other delivery methods may vary from their individualized study counterparts.
Opened in Revision 10, December 20, 2024
Updated December 20, 2024
View previous revision