Framed around our core impacts on education, research, and impact, consultation around our new plan is grounded in the possibility of opportunity and community and expresses our enduring and deep values of accessibility, diversity, and equity, from local to global - in digital space and place.

Athabasca University’s new strategic plan for 2024-2029 will set a bold direction for the university to realize our highest contribution.

"What if there was a university like no other? Not in what it offers, or how it offers it, but in the transformative and diverse differences it makes to people and communities near and far. There is no higher contribution. And there is no one who can do this better than AU. This is the AU Way. This is our time."

Dr. Alex Clark, President

Strategic planning timeline

Consultation - Phase 1

Feb. - Oct. 2023

  • Listening and learning with the internal and external AU community

Strategic Planning - Launch

Nov. 2023

  • Draft version of the AU possibilities paper
  • Share for thoughts and feedback

Consultation - Phase 2

Nov. 2023 - Jan. 2024

  • Consultation with internal and external community
  • Adjust and refine

Draft plan - Version 1

Feb. 2024

  • Draft version of the strategic plan shared with the AU community

Consultation - Phase 3

Feb. - March 2024

  • Review and refine

Draft plan - Version 2

April 2024

  • Finalized version


May 2024

  • Present to GFC
  • Present to AU Board of Governors


June 2024

  • Launch AU's new strategic plan

Questions about the strategic planning process or feedback on the Possibilities Paper?

Updated July 30, 2024 by Digital & Web Operations, University Relations (