Athabasca University Convocation 2024 in pictures

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Graduates, families, faculty, and staff celebrated convocation together in Athabasca University's home community of Athabasca

On June 19 and 20, the AU community celebrated a new class of graduates, cheering as they crossed the stage, and sharing the moment with loved ones for a celebration like no other.

Take a peek to see some of the memories captured below at Convocation 2024!

Group of people walking in Athabasca University convocation
man smiling at camera
woman in white dress getting photos taken
family photo with graduate at convocation
Two people hugging
Back of seated grads. One of the graduation hats has the words LPN to RN 2024 on it
Young boy wearing grad cap and woman standing next to him. Both of them are smiling at the camera
Graduate writing on sign
two graduates sitting next to each other and smiling at Athabasca University convocation
Group of people dressed in academic regalia smiling at the camera
Image of man holding on to drum
Graduates walking into the ceremony in a procession. Image is focused on a smiling woman
Person watching the ceremony and recording on their phone
Douglas J. Cardinal receiving Honorary Doctor of Laws, image is focused on older man standing at the podium
Crowd shot of the audience during the convocation ceremony
A woman and three men standing together with one of them holding a large framed document for the Order of Athabasca University awarded to Dr. Mike Gismondi during the convocation ceremony
A woman and three men standing together with one of them holding a large framed document for Esmail Bharwani's Honorary Doctor of Laws during the convocation ceremony
Graduate shaking hands with a dean during the convocation ceremony
A trio of woman hugging and smiling.
woman and kid taking a photo in front of a convocation banner
Close up shot of graduate smiling
Outside photo of Athabasca University main building
Young child playing with bubbles at the convocation festival after the ceremonies
a grad and her two family members posing for a photo next to a balloon AU sign
Group of people playing a large game of connect 4
Group of Doctor of Education in Distance Education graduates dressed in their academic regalia
A family surrounds a graduate while sitting near the fountains on Athabasca University campus
people sitting on the AU campus ground with the ARC building in the background
Family photo with graduate
a man and woman who are both graduates standing in front of a convocation sign

11 advantages of going back to school as a mature student

It's never too late to return to school. Mature students are in good company at AU, where the average age of an undergrad learner is 33. AU's Write Site shares why returning to school with some life experience can be a recipe for success.

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