Welcome to the new AU News!

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Improved site offers seamless integration with athabascau.ca, while continuing to inform, inspire, and entertain users

Welcome to Athabasca University News!

AU’s news site, www.athabascau.ca/news, has a fresh name to go with improved navigation and engaging design. Formerly called The Hub, the revamped AU News is part of the university’s ongoing efforts to enhance the online experience for visitors to athabascau.ca.

screenshot of AU NewsDiscover how AU is like no other

AU News is the place where students, alumni, and the wider community can discover how open, online learning improves access to university education, creates opportunities that transform lives and families, and fosters community like no other.

Through a mix of news, feature stories, multimedia, and events, AU News will provide visitors with valuable, relevant content that informs, explains, and inspires but also helps audiences feel empowered to pursue lifelong learning.

Design and navigation improvements were developed with input from AU students, alumni, and community members.

The changes make for a more seamless experience across athabascau.ca, with a simple navigation structure that makes content easier to explore. It also introduces improvements to accessibility features to ensure that content is inclusive and welcoming for everyone.

A university Like No Other

Athabasca University is a university like no other, uniquely focused on the core priorities of access, community, and opportunity.

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