February is Black History Month

The theme for 2024 Black History Month is "Black Excellence: A Heritage to Celebrate; a Future to Build." It represents a chance to honour and recognizes the resistance of historic and ongoing oppression of Black people in North America.
As part of the celebration, Athabasca University's Library and Scholarly Resources has provided a selection of materials that pay homage to Black history and honour the Black legacy in our world.
Black History in Canada
From the Canadian Encyclopedia, "Black History in Canada" provides a timeline, education guides, and quizzes on the history of Black people and Black culture in Canada-includes biographies, photography, video and more.
Black Loyalists: Our History, Our People
The micro-site, "Black Loyalists: Our History, Our People," explores an untold story of Canada's history and how Canada was the first settlement of free Blacks outside of Africa.
Underground Railroad
In the 1800s, with the help of an underground railroad, thousands of slaves escaping plantation life escaped to Canada. "A People's History: Underground Railroad" details the underground railroad and this history of free Blacks and white sympathizers who helped them escape.
Being Black in Canada
Gain a better understanding of the timelines, events, and nuances of Canadian Black history and experience through these curated pieces.

Anti-racism resources
The library aims to add resources as they become available that will be beneficial to anyone looking to educate themselves or learn more about Black lives and history, anti-racism, and the Black Lives Matter movement. These resources range from books on white privilege and systemic racism to guides on how to talk to children about racism.