Q & A with Dr. Sabine Graf

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Dr. Sabine Graf is one of the many researchers doing world-class work at Athabasca University. We sat down with her to hear about some of the many projects she has on the go right now.

She has been awarded many research grants, including one from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) for the project entitled, "Multimedia Object Research Platform Host for Adaptive and Mobile Learning (MORPH)" and another from the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) through the Community Investment Program for the project entitled "Improving meta-cognitive skills of Canadians through a community-based educational online game."

Dr. Graf also holds a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Discovery Grant for the research program, "Combining User Profiling and Context Modelling to Provide Advanced Adaptivity and Personalization."

‘Plant probiotics’ a possible fix for restoring former coal mine

AU researcher Dr. Srijak Bhatnagar is exploring the potential of fungi and bacteria to restore prairie grassland at a former coal mine.

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