Lana Ray appointed Canada Research Chair in Resurgent Methodologies for Indigenous Health

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Athabasca University researcher focuses on the resurgence of Indigenous health systems and Indigenous data sovereignty

Athabasca University researcher Dr. Lana Ray has been appointed Canada Research Chair in Resurgent Methodologies for Indigenous Health.

Ray, who is Anishinaabe from Opwaaganasiniing (Red Rock Indian Band), joined AU in 2024 as an associate professor in the Faculty of Health Disciplines.

Ray’s research program will address several significant gaps in Indigenous health research. Specifically, the implementation of Traditional Healing for the prevention and treatment of non-communicable diseases, the inadequate engagement of health research with land and settler colonialism, and the urgent need for Indigenous-led governance and data management solutions.

“We as Indigenous peoples have always had our own health and data management systems, yet these are not recognized because of deeply embedded settler-colonial logics,” said Ray, based in Thunder Bay, Ont.


Traditional Knowledge Systems have existed since time immemorial, but they’ve been disrupted due to colonialism, Ray explained. Her research, which often involves collaborations with First Nations communities in northwestern Ontario, employs Indigenous research methods and implementation science approaches that start with the premise that Indigenous practices are wise practices. She added that what is needed is research on how to implement these today.

“The world looks very different today than it did pre-invasion. So how do we go about the resurgence, support, and implementation of Traditional Healing and other Indigenous systems in our current context?

“This is one of the challenges for our generation. It's our responsibility to carry forward and build on what our ancestors have been able to sustain.”

Ray’s Tier 2 appointment was announced on March 13 and extends for five years.

Lana Ray near her home

Five Canada Research Chairs at AU

Ray becomes the fifth Canada Research Chair at AU, which has six chairholder allocations. The other chairs are Dr. Scott Ketcheson, Canada Research Chair in Hydrological Sustainability, Dr. Mickey Valley, Canada Research Chair in Sound Studies, and Dr. Terra Manca, Canada Research Chair in Regulation, Social Governance, and Inequities in Health, and Dr. Angela Workman-Stark, Canada Research Chair in Rights-Based Organizational Development.

Learn more about Ray’s research on her Pure profile

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