Are online degrees taken seriously?

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Many prospective students might be wondering whether an online degree is valuable when compared to a degree from a bricks-and-mortar school. The answer is a resounding Yes!… as long as they're from the right online university.

Online education has gained popularity as a flexible alternative to in-class learning, since it allows students to tailor their education around their individual lifestyles.

At places like Athabasca University, students can pursue their personal interests and professional needs without having to sacrifice their family, career, or community commitments. AU stands out as a provider of high-quality post-secondary education. As a world-class leader in online and distance education we stay true to our slogan: "Open, Flexible, and Everywhere."

But is it even worth looking into online universities if there's a public perception they're not as valuable? Again, the answer is yes.

Society is beginning to recognize how valuable an online degree is, because students who learn in an online setting learn skills that translate to many professions. This includes learning new software, creating and sharing online documents, and using new audiovisual materials.

Online degrees can even be an advantage in the eye of an employer, says Susan Fontana, regional vice president of the global recruiting firm Manpower.

"When you think about balancing a job and the needs of a family with school, that says a lot about the discipline of a person," she said.

Stronger student outcomes

A meta-analysis by the U.S. Department of Education in 2010 even showed that classes with online learning on average produce stronger student learning outcomes than classes with only face-to-face instruction. This holds true whether the class is taught completely online or blended with an in-person component.

Studying online for a degree allows for even more focused work since the flexibility of the format also applies to the learning style. Students not only get to choose at what pace and location they want to learn, they also get to adapt HOW they want to learn to best suit their style.

Still not convinced? Hear it first-hand from AU MBA grad Duane Leedell.

At AU, you are in control of your education. Check out some of our online undergraduate and graduate courses.

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