August 9 is National Book Lovers Day and to celebrate, we're looking at what's forthcoming from AU Press! From Canadian literature and poetry translations to cognitive psychology and ed tech, AU Press has an incredible range of subjects that will keep you turning pages all day long.

Of Sunken Islands and Pestilence: Restoring the Voice of Edward Taylor Fletcher to Nineteenth-Century Canadian Literature
By Edward Taylor Fletcher, edited by James Gifford
Edward Taylor Fletcher was born in England in 1817 and arrived in Canada as a young boy. An important figure in Canadian literature, Fletcher's writing was almost entirely forgotten by history. In this volume, James Gifford has gathered and annotated Fletcher's essays and poems, writings that describe a nineteenth-century Canadian cultural life far more cosmopolitan than what we might have imagined. Available later this month.

What Is Cognitive Psychology?
By Michael R.W. Dawson
This book identifies the theoretical foundations of cognitive psychology-foundations which have received very little attention in modern textbooks. Beginning with the basics of information processing, Michael R. W. Dawson explores what experimental psychologists infer about these processes and considers what scientific explanations are required when we assume cognition is rule-governed symbol manipulation. From these foundations, psychologists can identify the architecture of cognition and better understand its role in debates about its true nature. Available later this month.

Metaphors of Ed Tech
By Martin Weller
"I love metaphors, and this book does something that very few ever do: it simultaneously invites creativity by inviting the reader to imagine, and criticality, by using metaphors to expose hidden aspects of educational technology not tackled by dominant discourse. It gives the reader the opportunity to step back and look at things differently, and in so doing, can potentially transform the conversations we are having." -Maha Bali, American University in Cairo. Available September 2022.

Little Wet-Paint Girl
By Ouanessa Younsi, translated by Rebecca L. Thompson
"Little Wet-Paint Girl unfolds as scenes from a waking fever dream. Unreality and reality blend; images of dismemberment, harm, transformation haunt the narrator's search. Themes of longing for belonging, searching for identity, safe home from a voice with Algerian roots on Montréal soil. Younsi's voice is distinctive and strong and she approaches themes of rootedness, family, dispossession and race in a visceral and contemporary way." -Sonnet L'Abbé. Available October 2022.

Class Warrior: The Selected Works of E. T. Kingsley
By E. T. Kingsley, edited and introduced by Benjamin Isitt and Ravi Malhotra
In October 1890, Eugene T. Kingsley's life changed irrevocably when he was injured in a fall between two rail cars while working as a brakeman on the Northern Pacific Railway. Following the amputation of both his legs, Kingsley became radicalized and joined the Socialist Labor Party in San Francisco. His activism eventually brought him to Vancouver, B.C. where he founded the Socialist Party of Canada. A self-described "uncompromising enemy of class rule and class robbery," Kingsley wrote prolifically on the exploitation of wage slaves by the capitalist class. Also known as a passionate orator, he went on to become one of the most prominent socialist intellectuals of his day. Class Warrior is a collection of Kingsley's writing and speeches that underscores his tremendous impact on Canadian political discourse. Available October 2022.
Head to to find your next read!