The Hub Introducing the exciting leap forward to AU’s future: The Integrated Learning Environment

Introducing the exciting leap forward to AU’s future: The Integrated Learning Environment

Athabasca University (AU) learners have told us they want a unified and integrated learner experience in all the courses and programs they take.

We have heard that message loud and clear, and we’re excited to launch one of the most ambitious and unprecedented projects in our history: The Integrated Learning Environment (ILE).

What is an ILE and what does it mean for you?

As the name implies, the ILE will bring together all aspects of online learning, teaching, and learner support into one ecosystem. The ILE will harmonize our platforms for learning, relationship management, learner records, as well as academic and financial services, and simplify many other processes.

Think of the ILE as the engine that empowers you with the right tools and information, at the right time, to make AU more accessible, collaborative, and interactive, and greatly enhance the learner experience.


Learners will work in a single environment, making it easier to navigate within and between courses. Links to resources that support your studies will be built right into the system, letting you find what you need, when you need it.

Team members

For AU team members, the ILE will provide an ever-evolving ecosystem with excellent opportunities for innovation to deliver world-class digital learning experiences.

Plus, with better tools at your fingertips and manual work automated, you’ll have even more time to devote to helping our learners.

Why do we need the ILE?

Over the years, creative people across AU used their ingenuity to develop different systems for online learning and support. Their hard work was well intentioned and met the needs of the time. However, we now have a multitude of systems that do not always “talk to each other.” There is also dated technology and many time-consuming processes.

The ILE will remove these barriers. It will provide learners and team members with technologies and fluid processes that offer a more efficient and personalized AU experience.

Just about every university has some form of online learning these days. We were the leaders in this space when we started; now, it’s time for us to take the exciting leap forward to keep being the best at what we do.

How will the ILE be built?

We will build the ILE together. That means learners and team members will provide input and feedback on what they want and need, every step of the way. We will work together with industry-leading experts D2L and Ellucian, who will deliver the major technology components.

The implementation process will be consultative and iterative. We will also provide practical advice on how to manage the changeover to ILE, when the times comes to make the switch.

What's next?

We are currently in the start-up phase, working towards a Fall 2022 launch, with key milestones set for the next six, 12, and 18 months.

AU is here to build lasting, lifelong learning opportunities. To do so, we are committed to change and grow with the times. Having the most agile technology, and a highly skilled community running and using these platforms, are the secrets to our collective growth, success, and future. Let’s seize this opportunity together!

For more information, please email

Filed Under:
  • March 1, 2021
Tagged In:
lifelong learning,