The Hub Upcoming Events

The Journey – An Ada Lovelace Day Event

Date and Time:
October 8, 2024 12:00 pm - October 8, 2024 1:30 pm (Mountain)

Join the Faculty of Science and Technology to hear reflections from two highly accomplished women about how they have navigated careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields.

Science dean Dr. Shauna Zenteno and former deputy provost Anne-Marie Scott will discuss their own personal journeys, will reflect on the impact strong women in STEM like Ada Lovelace have had on their own careers, and what obstacles to equity, diversity, and inclusion still exist.

This Ada Lovelace Day event will help people learn about women’s achievements in STEM, inspiring others and promoting new role models for young and old alike.

About the Speakers

Anne-Marie Scott is an international education consultant and edtech expert with nearly 30 years experience in the technology sector. Until March 2023 she was AU’s deputy provost, and before that worked for 20 years at the University of Edinburgh. She teaches as adjunct faculty at Royal Roads University, is a board member of the Open Source Initiative, and a member of the Government of British Columbia’s Digital Learning Advisory Committee. She is also part of the leadership team of the OpenETC, a shared set of open technologies for post-secondary institutions within B.C., run along platform coop principles.

Dr. Shauna Zenteno is dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology and an associate professor at AU  She has also held the roles of vice dean of operations in the Faculty of Graduate Studies, program director for the BSc Human Science degree, and chair of the Centre for Science. Shauna holds a PhD in microbiology and infectious diseases from the University of Calgary. Her research focuses on environmental microbiology and environmental health with collaborators on Bigstone Cree Nation and researchers at AU and the University of Calgary. As science dean, she has overseen the growth and development of several academic initiatives to improve teaching, research, and the student experience at AU.