Apply to AU

At Athabasca University, we recognize that everyone's educational path is one-of-a-kind. We are devoted to offering comprehensive and flexible online programs to meet a variety of needs. Regardless of which level you wish to study, you will begin by using our online application system.

Apply now

Undergraduate student

You can apply for an Athabasca University undergraduate degree, certificate, or diploma program at any time. AU is an open university, which means we’ve made it our mission to remove barriers that limit access to post-secondary achievements. We admit undergraduate students regardless of location, age, income, or previous educational experience.

Get started

Graduate student

The application processes for Athabasca University graduate students varies, depending on the program. Graduate and doctorate programs have set intake dates and admission requirements.

Explore your options

Open studies student

You can take individual courses at AU through our open admission without enrolling in a program. This is a great option if you're exploring your interests, trying out university courses, or want to earn credits.

Learn how to register

Visiting student

A visiting student can register in our online courses while studying at another college or university. This allows you to transfer credits back to your home institution.

Find out more

International student

If you would like to study at AU as an international student, application processes differ depending on whether you study in Canada or your home country.

Start your journey

Professional development student

Registering in professional development courses and programs at AU is quick and simple. We offer a variety of opportunities with different but quick registration processes.

Discover your opportunities

Updated November 02, 2023 by Digital & Web Operations (