Marketing (MKTG) 454
Sports Marketing (Revision 1)

Revision 1 is closed for registrations, replaced by current version.
Delivery Mode: Individualized study online
Credits: 3
Area of Study: Applied Studies
(Business and Administrative Studies)
Prerequisite: MKTG 396 or an equivalent introductory marketing course.
Faculty: Faculty of Business
MKTG 454 has a Challenge for Credit option.
The sports industry is expanding quickly in many countries around the world. Sport can be defined as both a source of entertainment and a physical activity, so the sports industry comprises many possible businesses. For example, the sports industry covers such businesses as professional teams and players, equipment manufacturers, and various media. Because there are so many kinds of businesses associated with sports, it is a complex industry to understand. In this course you will explore the sports industry and the businesses that comprise the industry, and learn how to apply marketing principles to these businesses. There are many terms and concepts covered in this course, some of which will be new, particularly for students who do not have a strong academic or practical marketing background.
MKTG 454 consists of 13 lessons in four units that examine the following topics:
Unit 1: Contingency Framework for Strategic Sports Marketing
- Lesson 1: Emergence of Sports Marketing
- Lesson 2: Contingency Framework for Strategic Sports Marketing
Unit 2: Planning for Market Selection Decisions
- Lesson 3: Research Tools for Understanding Sports Consumers
- Lesson 4: Understanding Participants as Consumers
- Lesson 5: Understanding Spectators as Consumers
- Lesson 6: Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning
Unit 3: Planning the Sports Marketing Mix
- Lesson 7: Sports Product Concepts
- Lesson 8: Managing Sports Products
- Lesson 9: Promotion Concepts
- Lesson 10: Promotion Mix Elements
- Lesson 11: Sponsorship Programs
- Lesson 12: Pricing Concepts and Strategies
Unit 4: Implementing and Controlling the Strategic Sports Marketing Process
- Lesson 13: Implementing and Controlling the Strategic Sports Marketing Process
Your final grade in MKTG 454 is determined by a weighted average of the grades you receive on three written assignments and a Final Examination. To receive credit for MKTG 454, you must achieve a minimum grade of “D” (50 percent) on the Final Examination and an overall grade of D or better for the entire course. The weighting of each assessment activity is indicated in the table below:
Assignment 1 | Assignment 2 | Assignment 3 | Final exam | Total |
10% | 20% | 20% | 50% | 100% |
To learn more about assignments and examinations, please refer to Athabasca University's online Calendar.
Note: The final examination for this course must be taken online at an invigilated location. It is your responsibility to ensure a computer with an Internet connection and a current web browser is available for your use at the invigilation centre.
Course Materials
Shank, M.D. (2009). Sports marketing: A strategic perspective (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.
ISBN: 978-0-13-228535-3
Other materials
All other course materials will be accessed online.
Please note: You must have Microsoft PowerPoint or equivalent presentation software to complete Assignment 3 for this course.
Challenge for Credit Course Overview
The Challenge for Credit process allows students to demonstrate that they have acquired a command of the general subject matter, knowledge, intellectual and/or other skills that would normally be found in a university level course.
Full information for the Challenge for Credit can be found in the Undergraduate Calendar.
- Undergraduate Challenge for Credit Policy
- Undergraduate Challenge for Credit Procedures
Challenge Evaluation
To receive credit for the MKTG 454 challenge registration, you must achieve a grade of at least “D” (50 percent) on the examination.
Online Exam
Undergraduate Challenge for Credit Course Registration Form
Athabasca University reserves the right to amend course outlines occasionally and without notice. Courses offered by other delivery methods may vary from their individualized-study counterparts.
Opened in Revision 1, March 25, 2013.