Marketing (MKTG) 414

International Marketing and Exporting (Revision 7)

MKTG 414 course cover

Revision 7 is closed for registrations, replaced by current version

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Delivery Mode: Individualized study online or grouped study**

Credits: 3

Area of Study: Applied Studies
(Business and Administrative Studies)

Prerequisite: MKTG 396 or an equivalent introductory marketing course

Faculty: Faculty of Business

MKTG 414 has a Challenge for Credit option.

check availability

**Note:Students registering in grouped study, or grouped study international mode are advised that there may be some differences in the evaluation and course materials information indicated below. To obtain the most up-to-date information, contact the Faculty of Business Student Support Centre at 1-800-468-6531.


MKTG 414 looks into the business activities related to planning, pricing, promoting, and directing the flow of a company’s products and services to foreign markets. A critical step in the process of going international is recognizing that while international marketers should aim for marketing standardization (by adopting the global marketing orientation philosophy), business practices in general and marketing strategies and programs in particular should still be embedded in every host country’s social, economic, cultural, political, and geographical environments. In other words, to be successful in international markets, it is imperative to have a deep understanding of every host country’s customs, values, policies, and institutions and to design marketing activities accordingly. Additionally, an international company should be aware of any other international agreements and institutions that affect trade between its home country and its targeted foreign markets. From this perspective, international marketing should be viewed as an integrated discipline that combines several other disciplines: economics, anthropology, cultural studies, history, demographics, languages, law, statistics, geography, and international trade.

By building on several disciplines, this course will provide you with useful knowledge that can help you become an effective international marketer. The course will not prepare you to become an expert in any of the disciplines listed above; instead, it will stimulate your intellectual curiosity about various critical issues and provide you with analytical frameworks that are necessary for understanding different cultural environments in global markets and assessing global marketing opportunities.


After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • describe the major concepts, terminologies, frameworks, and practices utilized in the field of international marketing.
  • examine the breadth of current and emerging contemporary international marketing trends facing today’s organizations and discuss the implications of these trends for both domestic and global marketing professionals.
  • identify the role a country’s history and geography have in defining its culture, and examine the role cultural dynamics, management styles, and business systems have in global market behaviour.
  • discuss how international political and legal environments affect global business decisions.
  • identify the major product and service decisions made for global businesses and consumers.
  • identify the main types of pricing strategies used in international markets.
  • examine the various methods of exporting and distribution channels and how to negotiate with international customers, partners, and regulators.
  • examine the major tools and theories related to integrated marketing communication, international advertising, personal selling, and sales management, and explain how to select appropriate tools for a variety of global business situations.


Lesson 1: The Scope and Challenge of International Marketing

Lesson 2: Strategies for International Expansion

Lesson 3: Developing a Global Vision Through Marketing Research

Lesson 4: Canada in the World and the Dynamic Environment of International Marketing

Lesson 5: Cultural Dynamics of International Markets and Economic and Technological Environments

Lesson 6: International Political and Legal Environments

Lesson 7: Emerging Markets and Market Groups

Lesson 8: Products and Services

Lesson 9: International Marketing Channels

Lesson 10: Integrated Marketing Communications

Lesson 11: Pricing for International Markets

Lesson 12: Negotiating in International Markets

Lesson 13: Managing International Marketing

Lesson 14: The Future of International Marketing


Your final grade in MKTG 414: International Marketing and Exporting will be based on your performance on three assignments and a final examination. The discussion questions posed in the Discussion Forums are not part of the course assessment. To receive credit for this course, you must receive at least a “D” (50%) on the final examination and a minimum overall course grade of “D” (50 percent). Any assignments that are not submitted will receive a grade of 0%. The weighting of each assessment activity is indicated in the table below.

Assignment 0
(Term Project Proposal)
Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Assignment 3 Final Exam Total
0% 15% 15% 40% 30% 100%

To learn more about assignments and examinations, please refer to Athabasca University's online Calendar.

Note: The final examination for this course must be taken online at an invigilated location. It is your responsibility to ensure a computer with an Internet connection and a current web browser is available for your use at the invigilation centre.

Course Materials


Cateora, P. R., Papadopoulos, N., Gilly, M. C., & Graham, J. L. (2011). International Marketing (3rd Cdn. ed.). Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. ISBN 9780070136793

Other Materials

All other materials are available online from the course web site and the Digital Reading Room.

Challenge for Credit Course Overview

The Challenge for Credit process allows students to demonstrate that they have acquired a command of the general subject matter, knowledge, intellectual and/or other skills that would normally be found in a university level course.

Full information for the Challenge for Credit can be found in the Undergraduate Calendar.

Challenge Evaluation

To receive credit for the MKTG 414 challenge registration, you must achieve a grade of at least “D” (50 percent) on the examination.

Online Exam

Undergraduate Challenge for Credit Course Registration Form

Athabasca University reserves the right to amend course outlines occasionally and without notice. Courses offered by other delivery methods may vary from their individualized-study counterparts.

Opened in Revision 7, July 26, 2012.

View previous syllabus