ARCH 340 History and Theory of Modernism examines the history and theory associated with Modern architecture from the 19th century to the middle of the 20th century. Students will examine gradual erasure of historical symbolism and its replacement with functional approaches intended to address new social issues in architecture. Critical writings are resources to discover different cultural and ideological approaches to Modernism in Europe and North America.
The Study Guide for Architecture 340 consists of nine units:
- Unit 1: Re-interpreting Historical Traditions
- Unit 2: The Modern Movement and Anti-Ornament
- Unit 3: New Responses to Site
- Unit 4: New Technique, Materials and Visions
- Unit 5: Organic Design Approaches
- Unit 6: The Purpose of Manifestos
- Unit 7: The Responsibility for Housing
- Unit 8: Industry and Commerce
- Unit 9: Modernism Outside of Europe
To receive credit for ARCH 340 you must achieve a minimum overall grade of C+ (67%) for the entire course.
The weightings for the course activities are as follows:
Activity | Weight |
Unit 1 - Assignment 1 | 10% |
Unit 2 - Assignment 2 | 15% |
Unit 3 - Assignment 3 | 10% |
Unit 4 - Assignment 4 | 10% |
Unit 5 - Assignment 5 | 15% |
Unit 6 - No Assignment | |
Unit 7 - Assignment 6 | 15% |
Unit 8 - Assignment 7 | 15% |
Unit 9 - Assignment 8 | 10% |
Total | 100% |
To learn more about assignments and examinations, please refer to Athabasca University’s online Calendar.
Physical course materials
The following course materials are included in a course package that will be shipped to your home prior to your course’s start date:
Mallgrave, Harry F., ed. (2006). Architectural Theory Volume I: An Anthology from Vitruvius to 1870. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Mallgrave, Harry F. and Christina Contandriopoulos, eds. (2008). Architectural Theory Volume II: An Anthology from 1871 to 2005. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Colquhoun, Alan. (2002). Modern Architecture. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Frampton, Kenneth. (2007). Modern Architecture: A Critical History, 4th ed. London: Thames and Hudson.*
*Note: As of April 28, 2022, the print version of Frampton’s Modern Architecture: A Critical History (4th ed.) is no longer available. An online replacement resource is provided in the course.
Course Home Page (online): The course home page houses all the online components of your course.
Study Schedule (online): The study schedule on your course home page includes the Course Information, the nine units of the Study Guide, links to the online readings, and links to your assignments.
Course Information (online): The Course Information provides specific information about how to proceed through the course. Read the Course Information carefully before you begin reading the Study Guide.
Study Guide (online): The Study Guide units are embedded in the Study Schedule on the course home page.
Assignments (online): The assignments are on the course home page, along with helpful instructions.
Forms: Forms you may need are available through the myAU portal.
You will need convenient access to an Internet browser.
The course is delivered online by Athabasca University for study at home. You will be in regular contact with the instructor, who will provide guidance and feedback on your sketches. You are expected to spend about three hours of online classroom time each week and an additional six hours each week reading, drawing, and completing assignments.