NURS 326: Health Assessment is designed to assist nursing students in the development of interviewing and history taking skills as well as skills in physical examination and psychosocial assessment. The collection of data through these skills is the first step in the nursing process. The data are then used as the basis for the formulation of nursing diagnoses and nursing interventions to promote health, prevent illness, or manage illness.
NURS 326: Health Assessment includes 14 units:
- Unit 1: Health Assessment: Learning About Your Client
- Unit 2: Health History: Your Client’s Story and Approach to the Clinical Setting
- Unit 3: Assessment of Skin, Hair, and Nails
- Unit 4: Assessment of Head, Face, Neck, including Regional Lymphatic System, and Eyes
- Unit 5: Assessment of Nose, Mouth, Throat, and Ears
- Unit 6: Assessment of Thorax and Lungs
- Unit 7: Assessment of Cardiovascular System
- Unit 8: Assessment of Peripheral Vascular and Lymphatic Systems
- Unit 9: Assessment of Abdomen
- Unit 10: Assessment of Musculoskeletal System and Nutritional Assessment
- Unit 11: Assessment of Neurological System
- Unit 12: Assessment of Breasts and Regional Lymphatics
- Unit 13: Assessment of Male and Female Genitourinary Systems, Anus, Rectum, and Prostate
- Unit 14: Putting it All Together: Knowing Your Client
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of NURS 326, the student will be able to
- Identify the components of the complete and focused health assessments;
- Identify developmental and cultural considerations in the performance of complete and focused health assessments;
- Describe and document a complete and focused health history;
- Explain the components of a physical examination for each body system; and
- Identify client teaching and health promotion activities.
To receive credit for NURS 326, students must complete all of the required assignments, achieve a minimum pass grade of 64% on the final exam and an overall composite grade of a C (64 percent). All papers submitted must follow the guidelines of the current APA Publication Manual.
The assignments and weighting of the composite grade is as follows:
Activity | Weight |
Assignment 1 | 30% |
Assignment 2 Health Assessment Quiz (unlimited attempts) (Minimum Pass: 100%) | 0% |
Cumulative Units 1-8 Assessment Invigilated | 30% |
Final Examination | 40% |
Total | 100% |
The final examination for this course must be requested in advance and written under the supervision of an AU-approved exam invigilator. Invigilators include either ProctorU or an approved in-person invigilation centre that can accommodate online exams. Students are responsible for payment of any invigilation fees. Information on exam request deadlines, invigilators, and other exam-related questions, can be found at the Exams and grades section of the Calendar.
To learn more about assignments and examinations, please refer to Athabasca University’s online Calendar.
Digital course materials
Links to the following course materials will be made available in the course:
Jarvis, C. (2024). Physical examination & health assessment (4th Canadian ed.). (A.J. Brown, J.MacDonald-Jenkins, & M.Luctkar-Flude Eds.). Toronto: Elsevier.
Physical course materials
The following course materials are included in a course package that will be shipped to your home prior to your course’s start date:
Bickley, L. (2015). Bates' visual guide to physical examination (5th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams, & Wilkins.
Other Resources
A variety of textbook online study resources, electronic journal articles and websites are used in the course. Paper copies are not included in the course package.age.