Chemistry (CHEM) 360

Organic Chemistry II (Revision 9)



Delivery mode:

Individualized study online with a Supervised Lab. This course is charged a lab fee. Delivered via Brightspace.



Area of study:



CHEM 350. This course is open only to students with CHEM 350 or the equivalent to the first half of a university introductory organic chemistry course. Students who do not have the formal prerequisites may take the course with the permission of the coordinator, if they are judged to have the necessary background and experience. Concurrent registration in CHEM 218, CHEM 350, and CHEM 360 is not permitted. To avoid unnecessary delays, the course professor will normally grant permission for students to register in CHEM 360 as soon as the final examination in CHEM 350 has been written.

Course start date:

If you are a:




CHEM 360 is not available for challenge.


This course requires 32 hours of in-person supervised laboratory work, offered in Edmonton, Alberta.

Athabasca University reserves the right to amend course outlines occasionally and without notice. Courses offered by other delivery methods may vary from their individualized study counterparts.

Opened in Revision 9, June 11, 2024

Updated March 19, 2025

View previous revision